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People put on weight for various reasons in life; it could be short term or long term problems. It really doesn’t matter how they got there, the really important thing that matters is how they stop. Each person’s relationship with food is personal to them, so hypnotherapy will be personal to them also, taking into account their habits and cravings.


We all know that the key to ideal weight is to eat healthily and take regular exercise, however, if you were given the tools to do this by hypnosis, letting your subconscious mind do all the work, think how much easier this struggle would be.


So whether it is sugar, chocolate, cravings or food in general, hypnosis will be able to help you.


This would require more than one consultation, as a gradual change in your habits is needed to achieve the new healthy slim you.


Most people have joined a slimming club sometimes in their life, only to lose the weight and then putting it back on again or maybe even more weight. The reason why they don't work for most people is that they are not informed about why they should not eat certain foods and why they put the weight back on.  Slimming clubs are a place where you just become a number. Remember how you have worked so hard to drop the weight and the person sitting next to you has done better. You feel demotivated and you then turn to food as a reward. The slimming clubs have not dealt with your emotional journey with food.

All calories are not equal. 


Did you know if you eat 1 pack of crisps every day above the normal amount of calories your body needs to maintain your body weight, you would put on a stone in weight by the end of 1 year? So how many times have you eaten that tiny pack of 25-gram packet of crisps, not actually enjoyed or remembered eating them consciously? That small action has now increased your weight by 1 stone. Don't forget about that pint of cider, each pint = 5 cubes of sugar (25 grams) UK recommendation for sugar in a day is 30 grams. 


Join the Weight Management Programme

Uplands Hypnotherapy has a programme to help you with your weight.  Diets don't work. They limit the food that you eat, don't change your emotional behaviour with how you see food and how it makes you feel.


It does not matter if you are an emotional eater, grab & go or have no idea about how to make changes to be the best version of yourself. This programme will work for you. 1 session with habits don't work, you have built up bad habits and negative emotions attached to food over years. This is why the programme is 4 sessions and discounted so you get the best results over a period of time. 


This is not a diet, it is a healthy lifestyle change. By giving you the confidence and information to make the permanent change for the long term. Over 4 session, every 2 weeks you will have 4 different 1-2-1 weight management hypnotherapy and nutritional advice. Each session is approximately 1.30 hours long. The first session consists of an intense question and answer section, information about what kind of food you should be eating and why, how to change your ways at looking at food followed by hypnotherapy at each session. 


You are not doing this on your own, there is the support between each session and your own personal recording to listen to between appointments. 








Feeling anxious is normal in particularly stressful situations. However, if the anxiety is out of proportion to the situation, or persists when the stress that originally triggered it has passed, or the anxiety appears for no logical reason, then it becomes a problem which can affect your everyday life.

Stress can come and go as the external factors causing it (be it work, relationships or money problems, etc.) come and go, but anxiety can persist, whether or not the cause is clear to the sufferer.



Sometimes the cause of the anxiety is easy to identify, such as a traumatic incident or a significant life event (getting divorced, being made redundant). However, when there is no identifiable cause for the anxiety it can be very distressing because you live in fear, unsure when it's going to affect you. This explains why sometimes the anxiety can seem to come out of the blue with no apparent trigger.


If something distressing happened to you in the past, or you were in a situation which caused you significant anxiety, and you were unable to deal with your emotions at the time, you may become anxious about facing similar situations again in case they stir up the same feelings of distress. This then automatically triggers an anxious response, which becomes habitual whenever you are in similar situations in future.

At a conscious level, you may well know that your reaction to certain situations is illogical, but the subconscious doesn't apply logic to the situation. It just reacts in the way it's been trained to react.


Severe Anxiety

Feelings of fear caused by anxiety can overwhelm you and can lead to panic attacks, which can be very frightening for the sufferer, and the fear of having a panic attack only serves to make it more likely to happen again. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Sometimes the anxiety can be so debilitating it affects your everyday life, or stops you from doing things that most people take for granted, or can even make you afraid to leave your home.


How does it work?

The approach will vary depending on each individual's specific requirements, but it very loosely involves changing the automatic conditioned response in the subconscious mind that causes you to respond to certain triggers. This is something that many people cannot control through conscious thought processes because, when behaviours are so deeply ingrained in the subconscious, changes often can't be implemented at a conscious level.

Under hypnosis, the learned anxious response within the subconscious can be changed to something more appropriate to the situation, so that in future, you will be calm, relaxed and in control in the situations that used to cause you anxiety.





Building confidence through changing long standing beliefs


Confidence is a positive feeling arising from an appreciation of one’s own abilities, which means that you’re able to beat all the challenges in your life! Acting confident teaches your subconscious, a new behaviour, in a natural way that integrates into your normal way of life. We need confidence in ALL areas of our life, from getting up in the morning until we go to bed at night each and every day. Hypnotherapy for confidence releases the confidence you were born with.


We face many different challenges from relationships, work, health, education, finance and planning the future. If we don’t have an abundance of confidence we can find those small things throw us off track, slow us down and cause anxiety. Confidence is something that you are born with, anxiety is something that you learn. Using hypnotherapy for confidence we can help you to release old beliefs and to change your current behaviour.




In all areas of life, be it sports, business, careers, etc, the most successful people are often the most motivated.  There are many theories of how we can develop self-motivation but one theory that seems beyond doubt is that we need goals.  A person with goals is like a coiled spring, ready for action. No goals generally mean's no action.


If you feel you need to constantly find ways to motivate yourself then it's likely your goals are not well enough defined.  A goal of becoming more motivated is not good enough.   If you have a goal of achieving something specific in your life then the motivation will probably take care of itself.  It is essentially the end product of a suitably focused mind. Hypnosis will give you the tools to reach your goals.







What is OldPain2Go?

It is easy to explain what OldPain2Go is not. It is not hypnotherapy.  It is not a treatment, it is a non-medical intervention of self-work that works with your subconscious mind to free you from your pain. Our subconscious mind will always protect us from outside forces and our own behaviour. But what is it protecting us from? 


Pain is designed by the brain and takes into account any cell damage and other facts to achieve the best outcome. So from an incident, trauma or feeling, our body starts to put into play prevention hurdles to prevent more damage or even prevention of death, so it is like a fire alarm bell going off warning us of the threat our bodies are under. Pain is a way of the body getting you to take action. 


With OldPain2Go it is understanding the mind-body connection and how the connections within the brain are the same for physical and emotional pain. 


OldPain2Go' DOES NOT' involve trance, medication, exercises, physical manipulation. Just a deep discussion with you and the part of you that controls pain messages. This process doesn’t numb the area, therefore, you will be able to notice new pain should you need it and it won’t be masked by the level of the old pain message. By simply finding the connection between pain and reason, then we will be able to achieve results.  


It is a non-medical intervention that simply involves a discussion between us and typically only takes one session to find out what result you may be able to achieve. That session length can vary in time, due to the complexities or simplicity of why the pain has remained,




What is Fear?


Fear is a normal part of your everyday life, it prevents you from coming to harm and getting hurt. When fear starts to have a negative impact on your everyday life and prevents you from doing everyday things then it becomes a phobia.


For example, you may have a fear of walking through the park when it's dark at night time, or crossing a busy road and this may be perfectly normal, but when your fear starts even when you are walking through the park in daylight, and there are other people around, then it's become a phobia.


We are not born with phobias,  the only things that we fear as a baby are loud noises and falling, the rest of our fears we pick up throughout our life. Phobias are mainly picked up from those around us, which is known as a learnt fear, or from experiences that we have.


Just as we can learn to have a phobia, we can also "un-learn" using hypnotherapy to re-program the mind and change the meaning and association that we give to experiences.



This is an emotional response to a threat. It is a basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of danger. Fear should not be confused with anxiety as this usually occurs without any external threat.



This is an intense reaction or irrational reaction to something or some situation.  The sufferer will: experience feelings that appear to be completely out of their control. The sufferer will actively ensure that they never allow themselves to be in any situation that could cause phobic reactions.


Listed below are some common phobias


Animal phobias

  • Spiders

  • Snakes

  • Dogs

  • Cats


Natural environment 

  • Heights

  • Fire

  • Water 

  • Thunderstorms

  • Dark



  • Blood

  • Dentist

  • Surgical operations

  • Needles

  • Being sick



  • Flying

  • Lifts

  • Driving

  • Tunnels

  • Bridges

  • Enclosed spaces





Alcohol Addiction


Alcohol addiction can show itself in a variety of ways. The severity of the disease, how often someone drinks, and the alcohol they consume varies from person to person. Some people drink heavily all day, while others binge drink and then stay sober for a while.


Regardless of how the addiction looks, someone typically has an alcohol addiction if they heavily rely on drinking and can’t stay sober for an extended period of time.


Alcohol addiction can be difficult to recognize. Unlike cocaine or heroin, alcohol is widely available and accepted in many cultures. It’s often at the centre of social situations and closely linked to celebrations and enjoyment.

Drinking is a part of life for many people. When is it common in society, it can be hard to tell the difference between someone who likes to have a few drinks now and then and someone with a real problem.


Some symptoms of alcohol addiction are:

  • increased quantity or frequency of use

  • high tolerance for alcohol, or lack of “hangover” symptoms

  • drinking at inappropriate times, such as first thing in the morning, or in places like work

  • wanting to be where alcohol is present and avoiding situations where there is none

  • changes in friendships; someone with an alcohol addiction may choose friends who also drink heavily

  • avoiding contact with loved ones

  • hiding alcohol, or hiding while drinking

  • dependence on alcohol to function in everyday life

  • increased lethargy, depression, or other emotional issues

  • legal or professional problems such as an arrest or loss of a job


As an addiction tends to get worse over time, it’s important to look for early warning signs. If identified and treated early, someone with an alcohol addiction may be able to avoid major consequences of the disease.

If you’re worried that someone you know has alcohol addiction, it’s best to approach them in a supportive way. Avoid shaming them or making them feel guilty. This could push them away and make them more resistant to your help.


Hypnotherapy helps the person overcome why they were drinking in the first place and to take control of their actions regarding drinking. There has to be 100% commitment to want to stop and ready and willing to change, not to just expect the therapist to do the work for you.







Drug Addiction


What once started out as a buzz from a line of white powder or maybe one too many tablets, has now over time now turned into an addiction, your own living nightmare.


The first time you took that drug, it was an unmistakable feeling. Your dopamines were raised and you had that feel-good factor. However, after a little time, you found that you couldn’t get the same feeling from the drugs. Your brain was adjusting and you had to add more drugs to get that high.


Over a period of time the brain is affected, causing memory loss, you can’t make decisions, you question everything. Paranoia, aggression anxiety all increased along with hallucinations, those little voices in your head you now hear and all you want to do is sleep now.


Maybe you think doing drugs with ‘friends’ is not as bad as doing drugs in secret but they are both bad there is no right to taking poison into your body.


Let’s talk about what goes into making cocaine from the beginning:


Those little innocent coco leaves are now mixed with the following to form the paste to selling on to the dealers to cut


  • Weedkiller

  • Concrete

  • Petrol

  • Ammonia

  • Sulphuric acid

  • Caustic soda


And now the dealers have this paste ready to cut and they use:

  • Levamisole used to destroy and expel parasitic worms in animals..

  • Strychnine used in rat poison...

  • Arsenic

  • Cocaine has a natural numbing effect on the nose, throat, and gums. For this reason, cheap and legal local anaesthetics, such as procaine (Novocain), lidocaine, tetracaine, and benzocaine, are often mixed with cocaine. This gives experienced users the impression that the cocaine they purchased is of high quality. They are all nerve blocks.


So if I asked you to snort a line of concrete, or take rat poison or arsenic, you know that is wrong in these single forms yet you poison your body by taking multiply poisons into your body.


Hypnotherapy can help you take control of your addictions. Uplands Hypnotherapy also includes talking therapy along with hypnotherapy to help you see what your future holds if you don’t change your way and understanding what you and you alone are doing to your body.



Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, including 43 known cancer-causing (carcinogenic) compounds and 400 other toxins. These cigarette ingredients include nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, and DDT. Nicotine is highly addictive.


Would you do it if I asked you to drink a glass of embalming fluid or a cyanide pill? Yet you do this to yourself every time you take a puff of that cigarette. 


Knowing this, why would you want to continue smoking? Smoking an average of 20 a day, smoker spends approximately £4,368 a year, £43,680 in 10 years with nothing to show except their health deteriorating a little with each cigarette they smoke. Does this still sound like a reason to continue smoking?


Whether financial or health, it does not matter why you want to stop and escape your smoking prison. Let hypnosis help you unlock that prison door and walk out of jail. Remember when you started to smoke, you hated the taste, or maybe it made you cough and feel sick? Nevertheless, you stuck with it and got hooked. It's just as easy to stop by doing the same with that additional help of hypnotherapy. When your subconscious mind is reprogrammed to be a non-smoker, the want and need for cigarettes are no longer there.


With your session that includes a confidential questionnaire, you will walk away with new positive attitudes as you will no longer feel the need to be a smoker, finally being released from the prison of smoking.  


It is all about you. First, you must want to stop smoking; you want to regain your health and take control of your life and finances. Not come to hypnosis because your partner, work or friends want you to. You must want to give up smoking.








Kinetic Shift 

Kinetic Shift in 4 words – Active , Intuitive, Dynamic , Energising


Kinetic Shift is a unique raid application that combines several techniques to shift repressed emotions, stress, anxiety, fears & phobias. It was originally used to help people suffering from PTSD and has been found to help in different ways with clients. Clients benefit from releasing the pain or trauma without the fear or anxiety that caused the problems.


I use kinetic shift within my sessions as a way of rapidly releasing the problem and then further use hypnotherapy and NLP to reinforce positive suggestions and actions.


The therapy mainly focuses on visualization, breathing, and sensing ability. This therapy is beneficial for clients who struggle with cognition, speech and expressing emotions. Kinetic Shift holds on traditional methods of psychotherapy treatment, which do not focus on sensation and imagery, thereby needing the clients to describe their stress.


Kinetic Shift is a model based on six phases. The model aims at blocking pathways to the midbrain where negative memories and thoughts are kept. The body responds to the Kinetic Shift imagery by calming down through distinguishing perceived and non-existent threats. The Kinetic Shift process allows the limbic system to adapt to a calm response.





Driving & Exam Confidence

How can Hypnotherapy help you in your driving test?


Hypnotherapy is a brilliant tool to help overcome driving test nerves. During hypnosis, we are able to bypass the conscious mind and help put suggestions into the subconscious to enable the two to work together. By doing this, we are able to start training the imagination to work for you, rather than against you.

In this situation, we can run through an ideal driving test in your mind whilst in hypnosis. Instead of playing a horror movie of everything going wrong, we can suggest everything going right, you feeling nice and calm, relaxed and in control. We can go through all of the manoeuvres in your mind, with you feeling how you would like to feel during your test. We are starting to re-train your mind by doing this and breaking the unhelpful habits you have got into by imagining things going wrong. By imagining things going right, you are training your body to react in a positive, helpful way.



How hypnotherapy can help you cope with exam stress


Hypnotherapy is a common method used for helping control exam nerves as it can help boost confidence and reduce feelings of anxiety. It can help you develop the ability to access the calm state of mind needed to sit an exam or cope with a potentially overwhelming situation.


The power of suggestion and visualisation techniques can encourage an individual to clear their racing mind and approach the exam with a cool, focused head. Your mind knows the information you need to pass the exam, but when experiencing exam stress or anxiety, your ability to focus and concentrate will suffer. Hypnotherapy will help you recall the information easily and correctly, as well as help restore your self-belief.


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